An update: We have successfully completed our Fifth Session with many of our original participants coming back. It has been an amazing journey so far and it keeps getting better. Many of us had never been exposed to some of the suffering folks deal with, especially suicide and more specifically, teenage suicide. This is something which is pervasive in society today and for most of us, it has never touched our lives. Now we know much more about it and it enables us to be more understanding, more empathetic to those whose lives this tragedy this has impacted.
Now we see so many hearts healed of the pain of grief and the inability to cope with such a heavy burden. This ministry is humbling - and healing, not just for the participants but also for those of us who are companions on their journey. We are, after all, Wounded Healers, as author Henri Nouwen has expressed in his book, "The Wounded Healer." We have all suffered loss in some form and sometimes we have found it difficult to cope. Often there has been no one to talk with about it, no one to listen. And we need that to heal. Through this program, even we have learned more about our own healing and our ability to listen, understand and feel. We have learned how much God loves us and is here for us even through the darkest hours of our lives. And we have truly become a family - someone who is there to listen, to support and even to have a laugh with. And a family who does not judge or condone - a family who lets you talk and cry, then cry some more (as we cry with you). We are here for the healing to begin.
It is said 'it is better to give than to receive' but in this case, I think we receive much more in the bargain, even though we aren't looking to receive anything. Simply knowing we have been on this journey, listening to the hurts of our brothers and sisters and perhaps helping them work through often deep seated feelings, even from years of pain and anguish over the loss of someone or something - we find they are blessings upon blessings we never expected.
Please join us. Bring a friend who might be hurting as well. We are here to listen and to let you express your grief in whatever way you need to. Christ is in our midst and He shows us how much He loves us.
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