I thought about cooking a turkey in our oven but Mick wouldn't fit in it. Then I thought about baking dumplings, and I knew I wouldn't fit in the pan. So what to do?

Perhaps we should go out for a nice meal. Nope, that's a waste of $40. We could always cook a turkey pot pie and call it a day - but that's really not terribly exciting. So I think we may opt for what we always do - a turkey roll, stuffing and cranberries. That's quick, easy and relatively inexpensive. Okay, done deal.
We have a lot to be thankful for this year. We have a nice little flat (although with only a couple of chairs to sit on), but it's warm, cozy and quiet. My book will be coming out soon and we have good friends throughout the world who keep us enlightened and informed. We have a deep and abiding faith in God and in one another. We may not have the earthly treasures most covet, but we delight in the riches of the Spirit. And that's everything to us.
For those who read this blog, I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. May you all feel truly blessed at this time of the year and always.