28 June 2016

Sunsets at St. Katharine's have always been beautiful.  But this June, ours have been on the East side of the campus!  Glad I caught this when I did!!

 This is Renwick Mansion, part of the old St. Katharine's School campus.  It is now a Bed and Breakfast/Event location for weddings and receptions, reunions and meetings.  We are entertained by DJ's and live bands in the summer months and it has been very busy here this month.  The Zac Brown Band played for four hours last Saturday!

My friend, David Hass, composer and fabulous musician, sent me this card of Henri Nouween at Easter this year.  I thought it appropriate to have it framed and displayed in my living room.  A simple frame for a very beautiful, simple man. He was such a blessing to the faith community.

This is my living room by the fireplace.  The "painting" of Our Lady and Baby Jesus was done by my mother, Dorothy Ficke and is actually a needlepoint and not a photograph or painting.  She bought the canvas and yarn in Hawaii and it took her ten years to complete, taking it on trips in the car, vacations and wherever she wanted to relax to make this gorgeous tapestry.  In early evening, it has an ultra high definition quality to it.  Quite remarkable.

This photo is hysterical.  This year for Red Nose Day, one of the ministries I am involved with decided to raise funds for children's charities, so we all wore red noses.  They are definitely NOT comfortable but they do make for a funny photo!!!

The books are still in process, but I seem to have dumped myself into writer's block - too many story lines at one time makes for confusion!  So, I've decided to make one book of three stories - Miss Lulabelle Lavinia Lafontaine's life before she passed away in the tornado!  Since her character seems to have become larger than life, it's only fitting to add more details of her life with her accomplishments, friendships and experiences - all of which made her the enigmatic personality she was written to be!  Perhaps Miss Lula has become my alter ego and expresses herself in ways I probably wouldn't (but would like to), so in my parallel universe, Lulabelle would be front and center!

Keep checking back, as I promise to keep updating the blog and web site.  More details on Miss Lula's stories are forthcoming later this summer.  And come over to Smashwords.com for all my books!

"Come to the Water" - a grief recovery and healing ministry, has taken the summer off.  We will resume in September, but this year there is a difference.  Our location will now be in a private home and a second ministry will be for Our Lady of Lourdes in Bettendorf.  The locations will be advertised as we get closer to resuming.  The Diocese has a Ministry Fair at St. Ambrose University in Davenport at the end of July and Come to the Water will have a booth, plus we will break off into small groups to explain the program.  Come to the Water is going Diocese wide soon, so everyone will have a chance to experience the healing and support of Christ's love for us.

Enjoy your summer.  Stay cool and check in with the blog to see the updates!!