30 November 2010

Happiness is a pair of fuzzy slippers - but not cheese.

I cleaned out the fridge the other day and found a package of cheese which seemed to have a life of its own.  I thought I saw it moving, but wasn't sure.  After all, we just got rid of the mouse population in the building.  I seem to see them all over the house...phantom meece.  I will take a nice pair of warm fuzzy slippers (not made from mouse fur) over that bag-o-fuzzy cheese.

Tomorrow I have to attend an appointment with Mick at the doctor's to find out about his treatment.  It shouldn't be a big deal...except for his stop smoking programme.  Now that might be the worst part of the treatment.  Emphysema he can handle.  Calcified lung tissue, sure.  Stop smoking?  Wellllll???

So the next couple of weeks might be a little rough around here.  Hopefully we can tackle this with humour and probably a lot of prayer.  And it would also be great if Mick's company called him back to work.  That would be a nice Christmas present.